
The Clear Advantage in Glass Products - Since 1961

The Clear Advantage in Glass Products - Since 1961

Telford, PA – Alderfer Glass Co. is pleased to announce that acting Auto Glass and Retail Glass Division manager Ben Weaver was appointed to the national board of the Independent Glass Association (IGA).  Alderfer Glass Co. has been a member of the IGA for many years prior to this point, and this increases their level of support.  This gives Alderfer Glass a voice on the national level, and also allows a forum for their energy on promoting independent auto glass retailers against the competition and tactics of national glass chains.  Customers should note that Alderfer Glass is on the fore-front of glass technology and procedure, and their commitment to quality extends on a national basis.  The IGA will assist Alderfer Glass in their goals of maintaining excellent service for customers, and allow Alderfer Glass to work with other glass shops all across the nation in achieving the same goals.