Auto Glass Repair Service in Bucks County, Montgomery County,
and Lehigh Valley
When a small stone gets tossed onto your windshield by a passing vehicle, it’s easy to treat the newly formed crack as a minor inconvenience. However, the longer the damage is ignored, the more likely it will turn into a safety hazard. Whether your car’s windshield needs broken glass repair because of a stray rock, extreme temperature changes, or any other reason, it’s crucial that you schedule a service appointment as soon as possible to preserve the safety of your vehicle.
At Alderfer Auto Glass, we understand the urgency of fixing damaged auto glass. That’s why we offer quick, convenient, and affordable auto glass repair services to residents in Bucks County, Montgomery County, and Lehigh Valley. Our technicians can perform the repairs in 30 to 45 minutes at one of our shop facilities or your location. No matter which option you choose, you can trust we will restore the integrity of your auto glass.
Auto Glass Repair Service in Bucks County, Montgomery County, and Lehigh Valley
When a small stone gets tossed onto your windshield by a passing vehicle, it’s easy to treat the newly formed crack as a minor inconvenience. However, the longer the damage is ignored, the more likely it will turn into a safety hazard. Whether your car’s windshield needs broken glass repair because of a stray rock, extreme temperature changes, or any other reason, it’s crucial that you schedule a service appointment as soon as possible to preserve the safety of your vehicle.
At Alderfer Auto Glass, we understand the urgency of fixing damaged auto glass. That’s why we offer quick, convenient, and affordable auto glass repair services to residents in Bucks County, Montgomery County, and Lehigh Valley. Our technicians can perform the repairs in 30 to 45 minutes at one of our shop facilities or your location. No matter which option you choose, you can trust we will restore the integrity of your auto glass.
How Our Damaged Glass Repairs Work
When your technician begins your auto glass repair service, they will clean the damaged area and prepare it for an injection of resin. Once the glass is clean, they will drill through the outer layer of the windshield and inject the resin. This resin stays on the top layer of glass and is solidified under UV light. You can rest assured that this damaged glass repair technique will prevent the break from spreading further and compromising your car’s safety.
It’s important to note that while the chipped glass repair will restore the structural integrity of your windshield and improve the overall appearance of the glass, you will still be able to see a small mark or blemish on the surface of your windshield. This little “scar” is nothing compared to the crack that previously obscured your view. And the repair will allow you to use your windshield much longer than if you had ignored the damage.
Can Your Cracked Windshield Be Repaired?
After discovering a crack in your windshield, your first thought is likely whether or not it can be repaired. Our broken glass repair technicians will determine if repairs are possible based on a few different factors, including the size, depth, and location of the chip or crack. Typically, repairs are possible if:
- Fixing the crack will not affect the safety of the car in the event of an accident or collision.
- The crack is 2-3 inches or shorter.
- The chip or bullseye is smaller than 1 inch.
- The chip or crack is not close to the outer margins of the glass.
- The damage affects only the outer layer of the glass.
If you’re unsure whether your windshield can be fixed, our highly trained technicians can help you evaluate the damage. We’ll either recommend an auto glass repair service or a replacement, depending on the severity of the damage and the best way to protect the safety of your vehicle.

Why Repairing Your Broken Auto Glass Is Important
Scheduling chipped glass repairs in a timely manner prevents the damage from spreading and preserves the visibility and durability of your windshield. The prompt repairs also keep your costs low. Our auto glass repair service technicians can fix minor cracks and chips in about 30 minutes, and these repairs will help you avoid paying for an expensive windshield replacement. Plus, car insurance companies often look more favorably upon repairs than any other expenses.
Need Auto Glass Repairs? Trust the Company That Cares!
When you need auto glass repair services in Bucks County, Montgomery County, or Lehigh Valley, you should turn to the company that has your best interests in mind. We will fix your damaged windshield in under an hour and help you get back on the road without a worry about the condition of your auto glass. Schedule an auto glass repair today!
In addition to windshield repairs, we can also help you with classic car glass services and heavy equipment glass replacements. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for more information about any of our offerings.
You Have A Choice!
As always: Pennsylvania and Federal insurance law allows you to choose the auto glass shop of your choice. If you have any concerns and/or questions regarding an auto glass insurance claim please call any of our (5) locations or ALDERFER GLASS CO. direct at 1-877-267-GLASS to speak personally with an auto glass service representative.